10 Best Exercises for Weight loss and Burn Fat at Home

Many people believe that the only way to get the body shape they want is to get a gym membership and go to the gym. But the gym is not the only way to burn your body fat and lose weight. In fact, if you exercise regularly at home, it can also help you burn calories and lose weight. You just have to know the best exercises to lose weight.

Mindfulness is the key to losing weight, burning fat, and staying healthy. Taking care of your nutrition and food consumption is one of the most important factors in health, fitness, fat-burning, and weight loss.

Everyone embarks on a weight loss journey at a different stage in life, for various reasons. Whatever the reason, you are to be commended, because it is a big decision, and it means that you are aware of the need for change.

In this article, we will look at the most effective fat-burning weight loss exercise that can be done at home and why you should try them today.

What Is a Fat-Burning Exercise?

Fat burning occurs through metabolism, which works to convert food into energy.

As we become more conscious of food choices, calorie intake and exercise, our bodies begin to burn fat. The body begins to use the energy stored in fat cells as fuel, and it stops storing fat.

When fat is used as energy, it means that it is being "burned." This is what happens when you are in a calorie deficit – your body uses more calories than it currently has available.

How To Plan for Weight loss And Fat Burning Exercises at Home

It is important to create a schedule with the best weight loss exercises and stick to it. It goes back to commitment and dedication. Have you considered the time of day that works best for you? Would a split exercise program work (split between morning and evening)?

Do you need tools? Consider the need for floor mats, weight racks, cardio equipment, videos, or apps. You have to define your exercise plan and weight loss workouts. Have you chosen a dedicated space in your home? Consider converting the area into a garage, basement, or bedroom. I converted my second bedroom into an office/gym space.

For accountability, consider an exercise buddy or accountability partner.

Having a set plan will help boost motivation. Motivation and commitment to exercise are essential to burn fat and weight loss. A supportive and encouraging social environment is also extremely important.

If you need to develop a home exercise habit first, check out the Tips Gurus Simple Cardio Home Workout Plan, which can offer you a routine to follow to cultivate this healthy habit.

The 10 Best Exercises for Weight loss at Home

1. Elliptical running

The elliptical is designed for low impact, so it's easy on the joints. They are also versatile as they provide a range of intensity, speed, and resistance.

For maximum burnout, add incline to your workout. This will activate conditioning in the legs and glutes. Decreased incline and increased intensity work well for quads.

If you are able to run for 30 minutes, you can burn 270 to 400 calories!

2. Kettlebells

This is a great compound, dual-impact exercise. It provides cardio and strength training together, making it one of the best weight loss exercises.

Calories burned are both aerobic calories (an activity that can be sustained for long periods of time) and anaerobic exercise (an activity that cannot be sustained for long periods of time). Consider this cardio exercise that builds muscle through different weight training.

A great way to make this exercise fun and make it a group workout is to use Shred It With Weights, developed by Jillian Michaels to create an empowering vibe with unique options for injuries.

Weight loss

3. Jumping Rope

Athletes, especially boxers, are known to train in this exercise for weight loss.

Besides being an inexpensive piece of equipment, the benefits are staggering. Jumping rope helps strengthen footwork, builds and maintains the upper back and shoulders, improves coordination and can burn around 500 calories in just 30 minutes.

It is also a great hotel and travel workout for frequent travelers. Just keep the rope in your suitcase, and you can continue your commitment to burning fat while traveling.

Jumping rope - for weight loss

4. Running/Walking Stairs (No Equipment Needed)

Like kettlebells, stair climbing is a cardio/aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Stair climbing burns fat by using the largest metabolically active muscles. It conditions and strengthens many parts of the body:

  • Works the lower body (legs, glutes, and quads)
  • Increases core muscle strength
  • Tones the body
  • Helps strengthen bones as a weight-bearing exercise
  • Low impact, meaning it's easy on the joints.

5. Push-ups

Push-ups can be done anywhere and are one of the best exercises for weight loss and one of the easiest and full-body exercises to do at home. It's simple and explosively beneficial as strength exercises such as improving posture, toning muscles throughout the body, increasing vitality, and injury prevention.

Because push-ups build muscle, and muscle means lean muscle, push-ups help your body work harder to keep the system going and burn fat for weight loss

6. Bike Riding

Biking, whether stationary or both on the road, is one of the best exercises for weight loss. To get there, the intensity should be moderate.

Interval training is essential for maximum calorie and fat burning. Consider biking really high intensity ie fast for a few minutes, and then low intensity ie slow for a few minutes, etc.

Bike riding is great for improving and supporting your heart health, as well as strengthening your legs and core. Plus, you can burn 200-400 calories in just thirty minutes!

7. Jumping Jacks

This exercise forces all your muscles to work together. Simply put - your body is working harder, raising your heart rate and burning more calories and fat for weight loss.

Jumping jacks are considered one of the best cardio workouts. Because of the full-body workout aspect, and the fact that it targets several major muscle groups, it's one of the fastest ways to burn fat and lose weight. Just 10 minutes of jumping jacks can burn 100 calories.

8. Squat Jumps

Squat jumps offer amazing toning benefits for the glutes, calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and core, making them one of the best exercises for weight loss. They are considered a plyometric workout: an exercise that builds strength.

With more power, we are able to generate force faster. These benefits help us maintain mobility and agility as we age.

9. Agility Ladder

An agility ladder provides low-cost, effective, and varied training. It provides cardio and strength training benefits, giving it maximum impact.

There are numerous exercises that can be performed, including sideways walking/shuffles, a variety of hopping, backward lunges, and so on.

10. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are excellent for losing abdominal fat. This is a core strengthening workout that focuses on the hips and shoulders. The greater the intensity, the better the effectiveness, and hence the larger the fat reduction.

Final Thoughts Keep in Mind for Weight loss

Exercising with some of the above exercises for weight loss at home is a great way to burn fat. It is cost-effective and can fit into any program.

Mindfulness is equally important. Mindfulness is the key to burning fat and losing weight. Eating right and committing to your goals is the perfect recipe for weight loss success!

Remember, you don't have to be alone to exercise from home. As mentioned above, having an accountability partner and/or creating group workouts from home is a good idea. Even if your group members aren't local, hop on Skype, FaceTime, WhatsApp, or other apps and you can still have a group to support you.

More of the Weight Loss Tips and Plan

How can I lose 5 kg in 1 month?

I can tell you better because I have done this multiple times in my life-  make and follow a weight loss plan.

  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Take lemon water twice a day.
  • Start taking fish oil/omega-3 pills.
  • Start walking than sprinting for at least 5 km.
  • Try to cut 100% sugar intake.
  • Do swimming.
  • Try to lift heavy weights (20% of your body weight)
  • Do not take white foods in the meal.
  • Have a lot of salads while having meals.
  • Take proper sleep.


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